“A lot of women are not having any children,” said Jane Lawler Dye, a Census Bureau researcher who did the report, which looked at women of childbearing age in 2006. “It used to be sort of expected that there was a phase of life where you had children, and a lot of women aren’t doing that now,” Ms. Dye said.
I remember that one of the tenets of biology, one that is still taught in High Schools, is that a 'living organism, i.e. LIFE' is defined as something that has movement, consumes resources AND reproduces. If it doesn't have all of these, it can't be defined as 'living'.
Now reproduction is viewed as merely a 'phase of life', one involving choice, and therefore having no children is a sensible, rational choice. Certainly there is much truth to this. Usually this choice meant 'when', not 'if' .
But, If everyone made this 'no children' choice then either:
- Human Life will cease to exist
- or biologists will need to redefine what a 'living entity' is
More Women Than Ever Are Childless, Census Finds
Women are waiting longer to have children, and more women than ever are choosing not to have children at all, according to a new Census Bureau report.
Twenty percent of women ages 40 to 44 have no children, double the level of 30 years ago, the report said; and women in that age bracket who do have children have fewer than ever — an average of 1.9 children, compared with the median of 3.1 children in 1976.
“A lot of women are not having any children,” said Jane Lawler Dye, a Census Bureau researcher who did the report, which looked at women of childbearing age in 2006. “It used to be sort of expected that there was a phase of life where you had children, and a lot of women aren’t doing that now,” Ms. Dye said.
Women with advanced degrees are more likely to be childless, the study found. Of women 40 to 44 with graduate or professional degrees, 27 percent are childless, compared with 18 percent of women who did not continue their education beyond high school, the data show.
The numbers are consistent with a 2006 report Ms. Dye issued on the same subject. While year-by-year change is slow, Ms. Dye said, the data show that women of the baby boom generation are continuing to transform the American family.
Hispanic women are the only group bucking the trends found in the study, averaging 2.3 children each by their 40s. The number of children a Hispanic woman has decreases sharply, however, depending on how many generations her family has lived in the United States, the data show.
One in five new mothers in 2006 were foreign-born, the study found, with California having the highest number of foreign-born new mothers.
Of all the women who had children in 2006, nearly 60 percent worked, with the highest numbers of working mothers in the Midwest. That may be explained by another census study, which found that, for children under 5, the Midwest has more child care available than any other region. Researchers said the numbers seemed to be consistent with other demographic trends, including the rising age of women marrying and having children for the first time, as well as women with more education having fewer children later in life.
“Clearly women have competing alternatives for the use of their time, with the labor market and employment being one and delayed marriage, which has been another trend,” said Suzanne Bianchi, chairwoman of the sociology department at the University of Maryland. “The interesting question is, has it stopped? Is this it, or will we see even higher rates of childlessness among future generations?”
Of women who gave birth in 2006, 36 percent were separated, widowed, divorced or never married. Five percent were living with a partner.
The study also shows sharp geographic differences among children who were born into poverty in 2006. Nearly every Southern state had more children born into poverty than the national average of 25 percent.
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